Darla’s Acceptance Speech for “Dog of the Month: July 2019”

I haven’t had an orthodox upbringing, and I’ve wanted more than anything to have a happy home and your respect. The first few times I didn’t feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can’t deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!

My goal in life was to be a Disney Princess. So far, that hasn’t happened ….. but now as DOG OF THE MONTH, I think I am on my way! I’d like to thank the Academy…..

I am so happy to be here and I know I am sometimes OVER excited to see my friends, and OVERLY nervous on the elevator. Also, I have a lifelong fear of baseball hats and bikes…. it’s a long story. So please forgive me if I panic a little bit still on the elevator, or if you’re wearing a hat!

Three years ago, I was on death row in a shelter in Sacramento. I am totally innocent of all charges, but you know what the doggie justice system is like…. I was adopted out of there a few hours before I was executed, by a sweet human couple in their 80s, who gave me a wonderful life with another dog and cat and a bird for 2 years.  Then I spent a few months at Muttville, where some nutty lady adopted and returned me…. Then finally I selected my current human based on seeing the cat hair on her pants… a sign that this human had been trained by cats and would be easy to control!   

Sadly, I had no … what you call “training” at all when I arrived, and your elevator and outside street are terrifying!! I did manage to learn “sit” with the help of a former staffer, David!  It was reinforced with lots of love and treats from other folks:  Burt taught me “grab and go” with the crunchy treats; Walter gave me wonderful comforting back massages; Jordan gives me happy greetings; Luis always knows where the good treats are when I come barking over! And everyone at the front has been so kind when I comes running up! I know I can be demanding of attention and pets!

When I first got here, I was totally silent for the first couple of months, and then suddenly began to bark at EVERYTHING that moved.  I’m cool now. Basically I can get on and off the elevator without barking – sometimes!  

But if I do bark, don’t be concerned!  I’m a chatty gal but will calm down quickly.

Now – let’s talk underbite. Yeah, I said it. Underbite. OK, so, my original humans did not invest in orthodontics. Next question.

Clark. Yeah, we go out together. Yeah, he’s cool. He puts up with me chasing him off the bed and apparently comes back after I pass out. In the mornings, I’m too tired to bother so he gets to stay. What can I say. I guess I’m kinda soft on him.

Clark and Darla – truce over remote control
“Dog Eat Dog World” by Rikki List.
With Darla

So you see, I loves everyone – including Clark.  We often go out together on walks to Hayes Valley Art Works, where we enjoy the art and garden.  (He also likes to kill and eat mice, which I find … you know. Not my bag.)

I was also memorialized in art by Rikki List – my face is now part of the Manimal project!   www.rikkilist.com.  

Clark and I both want to say thanks to all the neighbors for your friendly words – and for putting up with a few barks and meows on the elevator!



I Love Everyone!!!!! Here I am at Immigration Point!
You like me! YOU REALLY LIKE ME!!!!!